Thursday, April 20, 2023

Letter and Postcard


Dad's mother visited her daughter Lois and her family in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.  I am not sure, but it looks like the date on the letter she wrote to my Dad was 1945.  Here are the 3 pages of the letter plus the envelope.

During the Depression years, my Dad and some of his brothers would head out to the Dakotas or Montana, looking for work.  Often they found jobs on grain thrashing crews or field work like picking potatoes from the ground behind a machine that dug the potatoes out of the ground.

If the brothers had a car and could afford gas, they drove to their destination  If not, they 'hopped a freight train' and rode it west.

Below is a postcard that Dad sent to his mother when he and Kenneth were in the west, working.

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Matheny, Ralph 5

 I think Dad was closer to his sister Clarice than he was with any of his other siblings.  This is how I mostly remember them.   Side note: ...